3 Maximal values of arithmetic frieze patterns
A \(\mathbb {Q}\)-valued pattern of height \(n\) is said to be an arithmetic frieze pattern if it takes values in \(\mathbb {Z}_{{\gt}0}\). We denote by Frieze\((n)\) the set of arithmetic frieze patterns of height \(n\).
The following proposition is a key result connecting arithmetic frieze patterns to flutes.
1) Let \(f\) be an arithmetic frieze pattern of height \(n\). For all \(m \in \mathbb {Z}\), the \(n\)-tuple
is a flute of height \(n\).
2) Given a flute \((a_1, \ldots , a_n)\), there exists a arithmetic frieze pattern \(f\) of height \(n\) such that
1) Note that we have \(f(1,0) = f(n,0) = 1\) by definition. Moreover, \(f\) is arithmetic and so the first equation in Lemma 1.2 is precisely the divisibility condition defining a flute.
2) By arguing recursively, one can construct a pattern \(f\) such that \( (f (1,0), \ldots , f (n,0)) = (a_1, \ldots , a_n)\). Moreover, such a frieze pattern is necessarily positive and \(\mathbb {Q}\)-valued. It remains to show that \(f\) is integer-valued. We begin by showing that \(f (2,m) \in \mathbb {Z}\) for all \(m \in \mathbb {Z}\). By the definition of a flute, \(f (2,0) \in \mathbb {Z}\), and for each \(i \in \{ 1,\ldots , n-2\} \), there exists a positive integer \(c_i\) such that
Using the first equation in Lemma 1.2, we deduce that \(f(2,i) \in \mathbb {Z}\) for \(i =0, \ldots , n-2\). Moreover, \( f (2,n-1) = f (n-1,0) \in \mathbb {Z}\) by assumption. Thus we have proved that \(f (2,m) \in \mathbb {Z}\) for \(m = 0, \ldots , n-1\). To see that \(f (2,n) \in \mathbb {Z}\), note from Lemma 1.2 that \(f (2,n) = f (n-1,1)\) can be expressed as a polynomial with integer coefficients in the variables \(f (2,1), f (2,2),\ldots , f (2,n-2)\). The claim for all \(m\) then follows from Proposition 1.3.
To see how this implies that \(f (i,m) \in \mathbb {Z}\) for all \(i \in \{ 2, \ldots , n\} \), it suffices to see, again from Lemma 1.2, that every \(f (i,m)\) can be expressed as a polynomial with integer coefficients in the variables \(f (2,m), f (2,m+1),\ldots , f (2,m+i-2)\).
Fix a positive integer \(n\). The set Frieze\((n)\) is non-empty.
By combining Proposition 3.2 with Proposition 2.5, we see that for each \(n\), there is a well-defined positive integer, called the maximum value among arithmetic frieze patterns of height \(n\), defined by
We are now able to formulate and prove the main theorem of this section.
For all \(n \geq 1\), we have
By Proposition 3.2, every entry of an arithmetic frieze pattern of height \(n\) belongs to a flute of height \(n\). By Proposition 2.5, entries in a flute of height \(n\) are bounded above by \(F_n\). Thus \(u_n \leq F_n\) for all \(n\). On the other hand, Lemma 2.3 and 2) of Proposition 3.2 show that there exists an arithmetic frieze pattern of height \(n\) containing \(F_n\) as a value.